

宜昌本地seo推广多少钱通讯产品seo优化怎么做带货视频怎么做seo零基础学做seo 收录seo经典成功案例关键词优就业SEO百度云延平区有效的seo介绍一个星期可以学seo吗南海seo排名优化代理商湖北省襄阳市seo营销seo推广平台哪家比较好沈阳怎么做seo信息优化厦门seo关键词怎么优化外贸seo建站是什么意思从化seo网络营销策划临淄关键词seo优化杭州市百度seo西藏站外seo优化关键词seo0基础多久学会引流国际官网怎么做seo黄石服装seo推广多少钱广州市搜狗seo哪家专业惠州关键词seo优化工具seo内部优化有哪些技巧西湖区seo服务多少钱湖南seo关键词优化公司做得好的seo推广排名西安seo搜索引擎培训和平区seo网络优化教程杏花岭区seo优化优惠吗壁山专业的seo优化公司外贸seo关键词选取工具晋安区企业seo哪个好子路由对seo有好处吗江北seo优化公司多少钱38岁了还做seo山西seo优化费用是多少浙江新款seo大概多少钱宁波seo优化要怎么做同安区百度seo优化马尾区专业seo是什么北京海淀关键词seo企业seo关键词优化效果好铜山区seo哪家公司好程序猿要不要学seo安阳县seo推广哪家好重庆seo工程师培训班seo营销工具免费正式版义乌哪家公司可以做seo30岁学seo靠谱吗潼南区seo网络营销案例湖北怎么做seo优化公司新乡封丘seo关键词推广广州seo推广培训班帖子没有被收录的词怎么seo青岛抖音视频seo怎么做巴南正规的seo优化效果福建短视频seo排名系统一般做seo有哪些方式网站seo关键词设置品牌荆门seo网络推广怎么做铜梁区seo网络营销策略seo优化工程师培训宁波seo服务百度推广天河关键词seo服务商朝阳区百科seo便宜的seo推广多少钱武汉seo网络推广多少钱璧山区seo优化学习方式seo优化为什么那么少广州市口碑seo哪家有名seo和测试工程师哪个好青铜峡seo关键词排名seo百万年薪招聘网seo经典成功案例关键词黄山百度seo优化公司河北seo优化哪家信誉好seo网络推广需要多少钱绍兴关键词排名seo优化江北抖音seo获客的趋势重庆关键词排名seo优化seo加速器是快排吗鼓楼区效果好的seo优化关键词密度算法seo优化seo营销策划方法外推seo网页优化有什么好处江门seo搜索优化多少钱快排seo新手入门推广马鞍山seo网络营销推广天门外包seo推广哪里好湛江正规关键词seo推广江苏搜索引擎排名seo湖北餐饮seo推广多少钱正规百度霸屏方案seoseo外包网络公司推广平黄石本地seo推广多少钱贵阳靠谱的seo排行榜seo优化诊断怎么做推广上海seo优化工作价格张家口seo推广如何操作林州市seo排名优化方式南昌抖音seo关键词推广西湖区seo推广怎么做惠州百度seo排名优化seo1网站漫画中山网站seo关键词seo对关键词的把握江北区seo推广哪家好哈密seo搜索引擎优化汕头市seo网络推广企业常德关键词seo优化推广余杭区seo公司哪家好清苑县seo优化选哪家禅城seo软件优化多少钱从化seo优化关键词费用哈尔滨百度推广seo价格东莞专业关键词seo费用九江曹艳华seoseo行业新手入门关键词seo流行词是什么意思怎么提高seo营销关键词SEO的资源有什么用宁波seo入门教程外推九江电商seo优化四川seo优化市场价格武夷山seo联系方式全网霸屏模板seo教程青海seo关键词排名软件西单seo关键词优化软件关键词霸屏教程seo博客深圳正规seo推广哪家好衢州手机百度seo推广简历上seo的职位怎么写兰溪seo搜索引擎优化金华seo外链优化费用韶关seo优化生产厂家连江有效的seo服务费兼职做seo 外推蜘蛛池静海正规seo优化服务商越秀区seo外包公司佛山seo软件优化多少钱张家口seo优化哪里不错seo外链推广服务商网站对seo的积极影响抖音SEO新人入门教程新乡获嘉关键词seo优化吉安井冈山seo优化公司seo万词霸屏能做多少个双河seo网络营销技巧seo优化关键词哪家专业房山区seo网络推广外包seo从业者重要性seo法是有官网吗铜山区seo优化联系电话南宁seo整站优化怎么做武隆区seo优化市场价格开封seo关键词优化教程谷歌seo 二级域名效果百度竞价推广seo顾问百度seo服务方案霸屏新建区网络seo代理商九江市场seo优化南平效果好的seo服务费顺昌正规seo费用是多少百色谷歌seo营销公司连云港seo整站优化报价肇庆市seo优化哪家好白云区正规seo优化资费南京求推荐好的seo公司桐城seo优化哪家信誉好晋城seo优化市场规模益阳seo关键词排名外包小企业百度推广seo重庆正规seo怎么做价格seo搜索关键词弹网页厦门seo关键词价格查询长沙百度seo优化厂家保定手机百度seo推广什么是seo效果关键词泰宁县百度推广seoseo关键字优化难吗阳曲seo优化市场规模濮阳推广抖音seo获客顺德关键词seo优化报价seo优化方案包括关键词黄江seo关键词优化公司seo什么时间发文章最好潮州抖音seo提前布局零距离泛目录seo推广张家港seo优化怎么做专业的百度seo价格桐乡seo推广大概是什么温州seo推广公司哪家好seo适合做什么兼职优化福建有效的seo是什么武汉seo网络推广怎么做西青区seo网络优化软件闽侯正规seo服务费富士康seo是什么意思荆州seo优化软件批发商



SEO Strategy and Planning

SEO vs. SEM: How to Combine Both Strategies for Maximum ROI

SEO vs. SEM: How to Combine Both Strategies for Maximum ROI

In digital marketing, two strategies have become indispensable tools for achieving success—SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing), which is also known as pay-per-click advertising. While both are distinct techniques that focus on different goals, they can be used together to maximize results for large and small businesses. We will explore how combining these powerful strategies can help marketers increase their ROI and achieve maximum success. 

What Is the Difference Between SEO and SEM?

Search engine optimization is a digital marketing strategy that improves organic search engine rankings over time through content optimization and technical enhancements. This includes activities like keyword research, content outlining, on-page SEO (such as title tags, meta descriptions, headers, etc.), link building, as well as website structure and architecture. 

On the other hand, search engine marketing is a paid approach to reach customers in the form of advertisements placed at the top of search results for specific terms or phrases. The goal of this method is to get immediate visibility and drive traffic to websites quickly. 


What Are the Benefits of Using Both SEO and SEM?

Combining SEO and SEM has two main goals in mind: increasing visibility in search results and driving more qualified leads. By leveraging both strategies together, businesses can benefit from having an immediate presence in search engine results pages (SERPs) while also working toward long-term success through improved organic rankings. 

Furthermore, allocating resources between SEO and paid ads gives marketers flexibility when it comes to budgeting; they are able to adjust spend according to what works best for their business and target market. This means they can focus more on SEM if they need to get immediate visibility or emphasize SEO for long-term growth. By using both tactics, marketers can create a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that will help them stay ahead of the competition and increase ROI. 

Let’s dive in a little deeper. 

Example of Paid Result vs. Organic Result

SEO: The Long-Term Play

SEO is extremely important and a necessary asset in your digital marketing toolbelt. The main downside of SEO is that it takes time to achieve success. There is a lot of upfront research, content writing, link building, and ongoing optimizations. A typical SEO campaign will take 9-12 months to start seeing a positive return on your investment. However, the long-term ROI is definitely worth the wait. 

Unfortunately, there are many situations where that 9-12 month runway for SEO results is just too long. This is where SEM can jump in and take some pressure off of SEO. 

SEM: Let’s Get Leads, Now

I am not going to tell you that you can create a couple of Google Ads campaigns, put in some keywords, write ad copy, and you will immediately start seeing results; it’s simply not the case.

SEM, like SEO, has a very detailed, specific process that must be followed if you expect to have any ROI at all. However, the benefit of SEM is that once you understand the objectives, do initial research and strategically build out the campaigns, you can start seeing leads come in within the first month. Even though you are seeing leads come through, it often still takes time to make adjustments to generate the right leads at the right CPL (cost per lead). 

Running successful SEM campaigns takes consistent effort and optimizations to maximize ROI. It is not a “set it and forget it” type of marketing strategy. 

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It All Starts with Keyword Research

A couple of weeks ago, we released a blog focused entirely on defining keyword research because it is the cornerstone of any SEO strategy. SEO results can live or die in this part of the process. In that blog post, we cover why it’s so important, but also how to conduct keyword research. 

When performing keyword research for SEO, we identify each keyword as either a:

  1.  Good keyword, meaning we can rank for that term within 9-12 months.
  2. Long-term keyword, meaning it will most likely take longer than 9-12 months to rank, but still obtainable. 
  3. Keyword out of reach, either due to the intent of the keyword or the competition that is currently ranking for that keyword is too strong for our target site to compete. 

We also need to analyze the intent of each keyword. Some keywords are toward the top of the funnel, meaning they are more likely to generate clicks but not leads. Other keywords are transactional, meaning that they are keywords that will generate more leads. 

An effective SEO strategy leverages both informative, top-of-the-funnel keywords, as well as very high-converting transactional keywords. The goal of SEO is always positive ROI, but it is also having the largest search visibility possible. The keywords toward the top of the funnel oftentimes have the largest search volume which allows us to maximize our reach, while keywords lower in the funnel receive much less search traffic, but convert at a much higher rate. 

On the paid ads side of the equation, we want to focus on as many keywords lower in the funnel as possible. We are spending money on each click so we need to make sure that each keyword has the largest potential to convert as possible. 

Using this research we can strategically delegate keywords to either be part of an SEO campaign, an SEM campaign, or sometimes both. If there are keywords that will take a longer timeframe to rank organically or are out of reach, it will often make sense to target those keywords in our SEM campaigns so that we can capitalize on that traffic sooner. 

Stay Top of Mind

When you are investing in SEO and SEM, adding in remarketing campaigns is a must. There is a good chance that a majority of your visitors are not going to convert on the first visit to the website. (In fact, the average conversion rate for a site is only between 1 and 3 percent.) Generally, we see people who may visit a site from a paid ad, then visit again from organic search, and may even visit a 3rd or 4th time. One way to stay top of mind is by adding remarketing to your paid ad campaigns. 

Remarketing is serving targeted ads to people who have already visited a website. So, for example, setting up remarketing rules to only remarket to users who didn’t fill out a form is a great way to influence more repeat visitors and—ultimately—more conversions. You can also use these rules to promote certain specials or deals on your site based on the specific pages they navigate to. 

The good news about remarketing is that it’s fairly cheap compared to a normal search campaign, meaning that your CPL could be extremely low. 


Tips to Maximize the Results of SEO and SEM

  1. Establish a Clear Goal – Before starting any digital marketing efforts, it’s important to establish a clear goal that you are trying to achieve. This could be anything from increasing website visibility in search results to driving more qualified leads to the site. Once you have established a goal, you can use this as the basis for determining what tactics should be used and how resources should be allocated between SEO and SEM. 
  2. Adopt an Integrated Approach – When combining SEO and SEM, it’s important to take an integrated approach by using complementary tactics that work together in order to maximize results. For example, leveraging keywords identified through keyword research for both SEO and SEM campaigns can help ensure that the same message is communicated across all channels.
  3. Monitor & Track Results – Finally, it’s important to monitor and track the results of your digital marketing efforts in order to assess which strategies are working best and where improvements could be made. This includes tracking metrics such as website traffic, conversions, bounce rate, time on site, etc., so you can adjust your strategy accordingly. 

Final Thoughts

Combining SEO and SEM is a great way for businesses to achieve success with their digital marketing efforts. By leveraging both strategies together, businesses can benefit from having an immediate presence in SERPs while also investing long-term for higher organic results. Additionally, combining these two strategies allows businesses to better target their audience with relevant content that speaks directly to their needs. 

By following the tips outlined above and creating an integrated approach between SEO and SEM, companies will be able to maximize their ROI and stay ahead of the competition. 

Let Helium SEO Help Your SEO & SEM Campaign

Managing either an SEO or SEM campaign by itself can be often be too overwhelming for business owners, website manages, or marketers. It requires significant digital expertise, implementation knowledge, software for proper tracking, and then the time and energy to continually adjust your approach. But managing both an SEO and SEM campaign in-house typically leads to frustration, decreased results, and eventually wasted time and money. 

Let us be your all-in-one team for organic SEO services and paid SEM services. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can elevate your digital presence. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is SEO and SEM?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of getting traffic from organic search results; on the other hand, SEM (search engine marketing) is the practice of getting traffic from paid ads that appear in search results or on websites.

Is SEM or SEO Better?

The benefits of SEO and SEM depend on what you’re looking for. If you want long-term success and brand trustworthiness, then SEO is the way to go. But if you want faster results, more data on hand, and lead-focused clicks, then SEM is the way to go.

Can SEO work with SEM?

Not only can SEO and SEM work together, but it’s encouraged for them to work in tandem. You can utilize SEO for long-term investments while building your site’s credibility and presence while also using SEM for quicker results for more sales-focused terms.

How do you use SEO and SEM Together?

It’s recommended to always be focused on SEO for your entire site. Every page should target a specific keyword and be optimized to compete for that keyword. Then, you can use SEM to target (and hopefully convert on) more sales-focused keywords. Letting SEO and SEM work hand-in-hand yields the best results.

What Is an SEO Strategy?

An SEO strategy is optimizing your website to rank better for keywords your target audience is searching. This includes keyword research, content outlining, writing, link building, etc. A good SEO strategy will drastically improve your organic traffic and yield long-lasting results.

What Is a Good SEM Strategy?

A good SEM strategy revolves around getting visitors to convert on what your page is offering. Because you’re paying for each click, you want to make sure that visitors will be enticed to make a purchase so your campaign isn’t a sunk cost. This strategy boils down to keyword research, forming ad groups, creating ads, and then optimizing your landing page for conversions. What makes the strategy even more successful is frequent testing and adapting based on results.

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宜昌本地seo推广多少钱通讯产品seo优化怎么做带货视频怎么做seo零基础学做seo 收录seo经典成功案例关键词优就业SEO百度云延平区有效的seo介绍一个星期可以学seo吗南海seo排名优化代理商湖北省襄阳市seo营销seo推广平台哪家比较好沈阳怎么做seo信息优化厦门seo关键词怎么优化外贸seo建站是什么意思从化seo网络营销策划临淄关键词seo优化杭州市百度seo西藏站外seo优化关键词seo0基础多久学会引流国际官网怎么做seo黄石服装seo推广多少钱广州市搜狗seo哪家专业惠州关键词seo优化工具seo内部优化有哪些技巧西湖区seo服务多少钱湖南seo关键词优化公司做得好的seo推广排名西安seo搜索引擎培训和平区seo网络优化教程杏花岭区seo优化优惠吗壁山专业的seo优化公司外贸seo关键词选取工具晋安区企业seo哪个好子路由对seo有好处吗江北seo优化公司多少钱38岁了还做seo山西seo优化费用是多少浙江新款seo大概多少钱宁波seo优化要怎么做同安区百度seo优化马尾区专业seo是什么北京海淀关键词seo企业seo关键词优化效果好铜山区seo哪家公司好程序猿要不要学seo安阳县seo推广哪家好重庆seo工程师培训班seo营销工具免费正式版义乌哪家公司可以做seo30岁学seo靠谱吗潼南区seo网络营销案例湖北怎么做seo优化公司新乡封丘seo关键词推广广州seo推广培训班帖子没有被收录的词怎么seo青岛抖音视频seo怎么做巴南正规的seo优化效果福建短视频seo排名系统一般做seo有哪些方式网站seo关键词设置品牌荆门seo网络推广怎么做铜梁区seo网络营销策略seo优化工程师培训宁波seo服务百度推广天河关键词seo服务商朝阳区百科seo便宜的seo推广多少钱武汉seo网络推广多少钱璧山区seo优化学习方式seo优化为什么那么少广州市口碑seo哪家有名seo和测试工程师哪个好青铜峡seo关键词排名seo百万年薪招聘网seo经典成功案例关键词黄山百度seo优化公司河北seo优化哪家信誉好seo网络推广需要多少钱绍兴关键词排名seo优化江北抖音seo获客的趋势重庆关键词排名seo优化seo加速器是快排吗鼓楼区效果好的seo优化关键词密度算法seo优化seo营销策划方法外推seo网页优化有什么好处江门seo搜索优化多少钱快排seo新手入门推广马鞍山seo网络营销推广天门外包seo推广哪里好湛江正规关键词seo推广江苏搜索引擎排名seo湖北餐饮seo推广多少钱正规百度霸屏方案seoseo外包网络公司推广平黄石本地seo推广多少钱贵阳靠谱的seo排行榜seo优化诊断怎么做推广上海seo优化工作价格张家口seo推广如何操作林州市seo排名优化方式南昌抖音seo关键词推广西湖区seo推广怎么做惠州百度seo排名优化seo1网站漫画中山网站seo关键词seo对关键词的把握江北区seo推广哪家好哈密seo搜索引擎优化汕头市seo网络推广企业常德关键词seo优化推广余杭区seo公司哪家好清苑县seo优化选哪家禅城seo软件优化多少钱从化seo优化关键词费用哈尔滨百度推广seo价格东莞专业关键词seo费用九江曹艳华seoseo行业新手入门关键词seo流行词是什么意思怎么提高seo营销关键词SEO的资源有什么用宁波seo入门教程外推九江电商seo优化四川seo优化市场价格武夷山seo联系方式全网霸屏模板seo教程青海seo关键词排名软件西单seo关键词优化软件关键词霸屏教程seo博客深圳正规seo推广哪家好衢州手机百度seo推广简历上seo的职位怎么写兰溪seo搜索引擎优化金华seo外链优化费用韶关seo优化生产厂家连江有效的seo服务费兼职做seo 外推蜘蛛池静海正规seo优化服务商越秀区seo外包公司佛山seo软件优化多少钱张家口seo优化哪里不错seo外链推广服务商网站对seo的积极影响抖音SEO新人入门教程新乡获嘉关键词seo优化吉安井冈山seo优化公司seo万词霸屏能做多少个双河seo网络营销技巧seo优化关键词哪家专业房山区seo网络推广外包seo从业者重要性seo法是有官网吗铜山区seo优化联系电话南宁seo整站优化怎么做武隆区seo优化市场价格开封seo关键词优化教程谷歌seo 二级域名效果百度竞价推广seo顾问百度seo服务方案霸屏新建区网络seo代理商九江市场seo优化南平效果好的seo服务费顺昌正规seo费用是多少百色谷歌seo营销公司连云港seo整站优化报价肇庆市seo优化哪家好白云区正规seo优化资费南京求推荐好的seo公司桐城seo优化哪家信誉好晋城seo优化市场规模益阳seo关键词排名外包小企业百度推广seo重庆正规seo怎么做价格seo搜索关键词弹网页厦门seo关键词价格查询长沙百度seo优化厂家保定手机百度seo推广什么是seo效果关键词泰宁县百度推广seoseo关键字优化难吗阳曲seo优化市场规模濮阳推广抖音seo获客顺德关键词seo优化报价seo优化方案包括关键词黄江seo关键词优化公司seo什么时间发文章最好潮州抖音seo提前布局零距离泛目录seo推广张家港seo优化怎么做专业的百度seo价格桐乡seo推广大概是什么温州seo推广公司哪家好seo适合做什么兼职优化福建有效的seo是什么武汉seo网络推广怎么做西青区seo网络优化软件闽侯正规seo服务费富士康seo是什么意思荆州seo优化软件批发商

